Paladin Gaga Ball Pit
About This Project
A current senior seeks funding to build an on-campus gaga ball pit to promote interactive study breaks and physical activity. Considered a less intense form of dodge ball, gaga is a high energy sport played in an octagonal pit. Learn more about gaga ball.
Message From The Project Leader
College kids like to play games, too! Help bring recess to Furman by adding a gaga ball pit to campus. Four-Square, basketball, volleyball, and hopscotch are passé. Gaga is hip, modern, and a great way to promote physical activity at Furman. These courts are very popular at retreat centers and camps, so let’s help break them into the collegiate world. This project will enhance the campus community and will serve as a fun outlet for students on beautiful, sunny days. Your support will help us build the sturdiest and most sustainable court. Thank you in advance for contributing to the dreams of college students who are just kids at heart. Let’s play!
Budget Outline
Below are the estimated costs associated with this project.