Rome Italy

Alumni Journeys: Italy

April 27 - May 7, 2024


Faculty Lead: 

Dr. Sarah Worth ’92, Professor of Philosophy

Lt. Col. Bill Price, Military Science Professor (Retired)

Sarah’s Bio:

I was born and raised in Ann Arbor Michigan, and I knew when I went to college that I needed a small school, and I needed to be someplace warm. I chose Furman because of the strength of their music department and as Furman does its work of the liberal arts, I left with a degree in both music and philosophy. I loved the inquiry into the mind I experienced through philosophy and decided to continue to graduate school first for a masters at the University of Louisville and then a PhD at SUNY Buffalo. I taught at Allegheny College and Miami University before returning to Furman in 1999.

I am married to Bill Price, who worked in the ROTC department at Furman for 13 years, and the proud mother of twin boys, William and Charles.

Trip Description:

Join Furman friends and alumni as we retrace the Italian campaign of World War II from Sicily to Rome on an 11-day adventure through southern Italy.  Not as well-known as the Normandy invasion, the Allied crossing into the “soft” underbelly of Europe was instrumental in the war effort.  Airborne landings, beach assaults, and urban slugfests were all on the menu for this theater of operations.  We will explore the Allied advance, visit the Valley of the Temples, Vesuvius, Pompeii, and Herculaneum, a battlefield tour of Monte Cassino, Anzio and tour sites of ancient Rome.  LTC William Price (a former member of the Department of Military Science) and his wife, Dr. Sarah Worth (Professor of Philosophy and Foodie extraordinaire) will be your guides on this fun and delicious tour of Italian history.  

Register here: ITALY - Tutku Educational Travel

